2.6 Approval of the Agenda - August 13, 2020
3.1 CLOSED SESSION (Part 1 of 2)
3.2 (Roll-Call Vote) Consideration of a Religious Exemption - Case No. 2020-21-01
3.1 CLOSED SESSION (Part 2 of 2)
3.3 (Roll-Call Vote) Consideration of a Religious Exemption - Case No. 2020-21-02
3.4 (Roll-Call Vote) Consideration of a Student Representative and an Alternate to the School Board
3.5 (Discussion) School Name Change Overview
3.6 (Discussion) Panel Members for School Name Change
3.7 (Discussion) CTE Program Update
3.8 (Discussion) Curriculum & Instruction Update
3.10 (Presentation) PRHA Survey Data (Impact on Communities) - Ms. Alisa Winston
3.9 (Discussion) Auxiliary Services Update
3.11 (Discussion) Draft - 2021 School Board Meeting Dates
3.12 (Roll-Call Vote) Consideration of the Minutes - June 11, 2020; June 25, 2020; and July 29, 2020
3.13 (Roll-Call Vote) Consideration of a Resolution for a Reappropriation Request for FY 2019 - General Fund
3.14 (Roll-Call Vote) Consideration of a Resolution for a Reappropriation Request for FY 2019 - Textbook Fund
3.15 Roll-Call Vote) Consideration of a Resolution for a Reappropriation Request for FY 2019 - Pre-Funded State Grants
3.16 (Roll-Call Vote) Consideration FY 2019 -2020 Risk Management Fund Budget Activity
Items 3.17 & 4